Services Overview

I help small business owners operate more efficiently, so they can do the work they would rather be doing.

Here’s a sample of what I can do for you:

General Administrative Tasks

  • Proofread slide decks, e mails, landing pages and all other copy
  • Write and/or schedule newsletters and general e mails
  • Research new apps and software when a change is needed
  • Follow up with clients when they don’t complete tasks or contracts
  • Schedule clients, set up calendars and handle cancellations
  • Expense report management
  • Answer service/support e mails (refunds, trouble logging in, etc.)
  • Answer enquiries on business Facebook pages or website contact forms.
  • Maintaining Inboxes for clients
  • Send e mails to a list
  • Create daily to-do lists
  • Manage and maintain client contact lists
  • Schedule calls/ interviews/consultations
  • Look up and e mail your client directions to their next meeting
  • Research the people your client’s are meeting with
  • Create slides for Presentations
  • Add testimonials to Websites
  • Social Media Management

Business Management Tasks

  • Project Management – Small or Large Projects
  • Managing Stakeholders or Third parties
  • Supply Chain Optimisation
  • Standard Operating Procedures documented
  • Business Process review
  • Inventory Management
  • Customer Service Reviews
  • KPI Implementation
  • Operational Review
  • Launch Planning
  • 30/60/90 Day Planning